Attention ALL hair colour folk!!
Yeah you! The Moth requires your attention...
Since coming back from the latest lockdown, as you all know by now, we have had to ask you all back in for a colour patch test.
Apologies to those of you who are reading this update and eye rolling, we are sharing this information again because a lot of colour appointments are having to be sent away due to not reading the information properly, or missing the email/text link before arrival of a colour appointment, which as you can imagine, isn't great all round.
We have seen a huge amount of you have a reaction over these past couple of weeks, and have noticed a common link with those of you who have had a vaccination.
Due the big changes everyone's bodies are going through who have had a vaccination, it is sadly causing your immune system to see colour as a threat whilst it settling in.
For this reason, we are asking you to come forward for an additional skin test if:
⚠️ You have had your 1st OR 2nd vaccination since your skin test, but before your colour appointment.
⚠️ You have had your 1st or 2nd vaccination in between your last colour appointment and the next.
If you fall in to ANY of these categories, we DO need to re-skin test you, again!
This will prevent any health risk to yourself and prevent any negligence on our part.
Please help us be the best we can be. We know it's annoying (trust us!), but your health is our top priority.
If you have any questions at all, or are unsure if you fall in to these categories, please do get in touch.
We will be fun again one day....
Thanks for taking the time to read this post!
Tom, Rae & the HQ Team