In a matter of sleeps, the SPOOKIEST day of the year will finally be returning...
You know here at HQ we love a good excuse to get a theme day going!
Yep, this means that we shall be turning fully ghoulish, THIS SATURDAY!
HQ shall be oozing creepy realness, along with our annual Pumpkin carving competition... which by the way, will be having a viewing gallery for you all to judge before you leave! 🎃
If you are daring to visit us this Saturday, feel free to bring your best halloween mask with you to join on in... (for some of you that may just be how you wake up! 😜)
Grab your bin bags, fake blood and broom folks, or just bring yourself, thats fine too!
We'll bring the choones and of course, a spook-takular limited drink just for the occassion.
Not booked in? Check availability through our online booking through the link below!
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