The Quirkers are on the hunt for a human head to demonstrate the application and blending of hair extensions..
The Deal 💰:
The fitting of the hair is completely free of charge, meaning the cost of the hair is the only fee that would be charged.
Who's Training:
This is an in-house training session, demo style, where the whole team will be involved. Two sets of knowledgeable, beady eyes will be around at all times as they teach the team.
The Method:
Tape in. This method is super safe, and uses no harsh chemicals in the application or removal process, meaning as long as you follow our aftercare advice, & maintenence, there is no risk of damage to your own hair.
The Model:
We are in need of someone who has medium-thick, below shoulder length hair, with layers, who is looking to add length to their hair.
Note - Unfortunately if you wear your hair naturally curly, due to the extensions not being curly, you would not be suitable for this session.
The Date:
We need you to be available on Wednesday 20th April (next week) between 9am-12pm. We would also need to see you at the salon prior to this date to have a consultation with you and colour match your hair, and get the chosen hair ordered in time.
How do you apply to be the model?!!
Drop us a message, or comment below, and we can go through the rest of the details for suitability!
We only need one model, so be snappy if you're interested!