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House of Quirk
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Today is July 19th...

As you will know, this day is to bring great change in this country, and we've had a lot of questions about it, so we wanted to keep you all in the loop.

We know you don't want us droning on so lets get started.


Unfortunately, we will still require that you wear masks in the salon.

Although a lot of the country has been very excited at the taste of a little more freedom, being in a close contact industry means we must still keep some of our Covid 19 related protocols, and masks is one of them.

This has been advised to us by the National Hair and Beauty Federation and comes straight from the government guidance for our industry.

On a more personal note, with the relaxing of other rules and isolation becoming more and more common, it's very important that we do everything we can to keep everybody safe, and the salon functioning as much as possible.

Masks are something we all hate wearing, but if a stretch longer can help us prevent more illness, prevent unnecessary isolation, and keep the salon churning out you beautiful people, then thats what we will do!

Unfortunately we are still not able to accept exemptions at this time, for the same reasons as above.


The Blowdry - The Blowdry is back baby WAHOOO! Well, kind of, for most of you they are back in full swing for those bouncy do's but we do still have to hold back on pin curls of anything taking excessive amounts of drying time due to ventilation with the space we have. Prepare to have that salon feeling once more!

Children - Whipper snappers are back in the building! We've missed the energy of youth in the salon, Though the Moth would say he provides that.............We will still however require that each child can wear a mask and is accompanied by one adult (sorry siblings!) as we try to keep the salon as spacious as it can be under the circumstances.

Dry Services - This includes Style bars, Sides, Fringe trims and hair ups. All back on the menu for your quick hair fix.

All these can be booked as normal, apart from fringe trims, which can be acquired 15 minutes before the end of the day with whichever stylist is available. Please call the salon for a booking rather than just popping along.


We will no longer be locking our front door! Yaaay!

Social distancing will be formally removed from the salon, and we will still give everyone as much room as possible, but this change allows us to work slightly differently.

We will be bringing back 2 of our reception chairs indoors, and keeping two of the chairs outside, in case anyone feels more comfortable out there, or maybe you just like the view?

Payments - Payments must still be card only, but will now be taken at reception rather than at the chair. We will continue to make appointments during your appointment at chair for the time being, to reduce unnecessary crowding at the desk. We don't want a flustered MOTH!


So the official rule of social distancing will be gone, but we will be trying to give everyone as much room as possible and we request you do too (even if it's Brad Pitt).

All salon chairs will now be in use, but we won’t sit anyone right next door to you unless we have to - although we all love a chat with the neighbour, right?!

We still require for you to you come alone to your appointment, but the outside chairs will be available for anyone who is waiting for you.

Dividers will remain at the backwash for your safety - they have been a real Marmite addition to salon for some reason.. No graffiting please!

That is all for now....

Well, we hope that has cleared things up as much as possible.

Any step closer to normality is a welcome one in our books. We hope this is the first step back to you all enjoying the true House of Quirk experience, as it was once intended.

Any worries or queries, please just throw us a message!


Tom, Rae and the HQ Team.


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