...Ohhh Hello there, recognise these two mischeiveous little mites?!
If you didnt already catch our previous announcements these last two weeks, our former Fledglings Hannah & Tash, have now qualified from Quirk school!
As they have now fledged the nest, you will be able to book in with both Hannah & Tash for all of your hair cut & colouring needs, as graduate stylists!
As you can imagine, they are super excited to be welcoming their very own clients to their very own chair! 🤩
Well Done you two, now the games have truely begun!
If you have previously seen Hannah or Tash for your colour appointment, you will know that you usually have your regular Quirker lead the consultation for what you have. Now that Hannah & Tash are qualified, this now means that they will now be leading your consultation solo as they no longer need to gather information from their peirs on which direction to take your colour.
Hannah & Tash will have full access to all of your colour history, but this means that your usual Quirker will not be there for the colour consultation to help out if you decide to have a change and you wanted to run it by them.
If you have any concerns, or have any questions on this, please do get in contact with us and we can go through them with you.
Hannah & Tash will be graduate stylists for a couple of months before they go on to pass to the next stage of becoming fully fledged stylists within our little hair House.
As we are still getting our skills levelled up up on gents, hair extensions, bleach & tone work, vivid work, coily hair and razor work appointments, you can not book for these services just yet, but if you would like to help with these last few peices, we are needing model sessions every other Tuesday/Wednesday during our Training sessions.
These guys are already rather quickly building up their own appointment base (woop woop!) so get dialling for those hair appointments to avoid any dissapointment!
☎️01606 330 879
For non-colour appointments you can go through the booking below through our online booking system!
