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Hey Quirk Stalkers!

Your peeper's are not deceiving you, and no, this aint no lockdown!!

The infamous HQ coffee morning is returning per your request's!


That's right, we shall be hosting yet another coffee morning, just to say hello and to check in on you all. Did you know, the last HQ coffee morning was 4years ago? Wild huh?!

Tom + Rae shall be chatting utter nonsense, slurping on a cuppa char, mixed in with updating you all on what's been happening here at HQ, with even a cheeky Q+A session thrown in for good measure..

So if you have a burning question that you're eager to have answered, be sure to message us in advance, or post it below in the comment section with what you want to know, prior to our coffee date for us to see it in time.

So make yourself a hot beverage of your choice (..or a cold one, we ain't judging!), tune in, come say hi and let us know what you have been up to recently.

Feel free to give us advice on how to not get in to too much mischief, ask us about day to day life at HQ, or just use this an an opportunity to fess up to any hair disaster's you may have had, or hair desires you feel you may want to explore!

See you on the virtual couch at 11am this Sunday!

Rae & Tom x


To tune in to our virtual coffee morning, all you have to do is:

1) Pop over to our Facebook page at 11am on Sunday 28th April (THIS SUNDAY)

(You dont need a facebook account to join us if you use a laptop / are in 'desktop mode' on your phone/ipad)

2) Click on our live video when you see our faces pop up in a box on your screen! This will allow you to type and interact with us - GO WILD.

3) Say a big hello and share with us a photo of your favourite or most snazzy mug in the comments section!

See you there Stalker's!

Event Link:

Note: If you tune in without a facebook account, you'll be able to watch and hear us, you just wont be able to respond / interact in the comments section.


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